Saturday, November 2, 2013

Update on My Life

I don't share everything about my life here. Let's face it. We all deserve some privacy. However, I do share a lot. I've obviously shared about my diabetes. I've share about going to grad school. I've also shared about my life as a substitute teacher and YMCA drop-in nursery worker.

Well parts of my life have changed. I no longer work at the YMCA except for occasionally as a sub in the nursery. My grad classes got in the way of that schedule. School comes first! I'm also no longer a substitute teacher. I'm now working as a paraprofessional/teacher's aide/program assistant (whatever you want to call it). About a week before school started, I was asked if I would be interested in applying for this position. If I didn't want to apply for it, they wanted to see if I would be willing to sub in the spot until they hired someone. The job? Helping with sixth grade choir first period and then working with the reading intervention teachers the rest of the day.

Repeat that please. Did you really just spell out to be almost word for word my ideal job, second only to a full-time teaching position? The only part I hadn't thought of before was working with the choir. However as someone who sang in high school and college, still enjoying to sing with the radio or at church, this was an added bonus.

So of course I applied and was given this amazing opportunity. Many of the things I'm learning about in my masters program to become a reading specialist I am able to apply in my job. I'm also able to bounce ideas off the two reading teachers I work with every day. Although I miss some parts of substitute teaching like working with teachers at every school in our district and getting to know the children at those schools, I don't miss the phone calls at 6:00 a.m.

I wake up every morning excited that I get to do this job. Yes, there are some mornings I'm dragging, especially if I've had to stay up late to finish a homework assignment. I am blessed to do a job I enjoy and work with some wonderful students and amazing teachers.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - dream teaching job, for sure! Enjoy!!
